Saturday, December 26, 2015

I'll be home for Christmas...

It's been busy since my last update and lots to catch you up on.  I had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  The food was all yummy and  very tasty.  I definitely ate my share and more.  But more than my stomach being full, my heart was bursting with gratitude for all the many blessings from God!!!  I have so much to be Thankful for!  I know I say it a lot on here, but I am beyond blessed!  This is nothing I've done, but God and all your prayers. To God be all the glory! 

We've made a few trips back and forth to Cleveland since my last post. Shane and I took off the Sunday before Thanksgiving when we had the bad snow storm that weekend. Not good!  We counted over 15 vehicles in ditches between Princeton and Morris.  Some people were still in the car waiting for a police officer to arrive but alright, other cars were sitting empty from what looked like a few hours prior.  After counting the 15th one, we watched from the opposite side of the interstate a car slide into the ditch and roll 2-3 times.  I was done after seeing that happen right before my eyes. I just cried and prayed and was ready to go back home.  Thankfully God protected us and the roads were clear from that point on and we were able to make it safely to Cleveland.  We returned back for another scope, biopsy, and doctors appointment the second week of December.  After the appointment we stayed for a dinner that they were serving to the liver and intestinal transplant patients.  We stayed over, and the next morning went to Life Banc,  an organ procurement center.  There I shared my story with the staff. There was probably 40-50 staff and not many dry eyes by the time I wrapped it up.  It was extra special having Shane and the children sitting in the front. As we were leaving this lady came running after us as we were backing up. She introduced herself and said,  "I'm Julie, the one who called you the day we had a match for you."  She was someone I hadn't met through my process and was it neat to finally meet her.  We made one more trip this past Tuesday for a scope, biopsy, and appointment.  We took thte kids with, because if I had to stay there we wanted to all be together for Christmas.  Turns out all was well and we were able to come home, just in time for Christmas.  We made it there at 1:30 am. We got to bed around 2 am, got up at 5 am and out the door and on the road by 6 am. I had labs at 7 am and then a scope and biopsy. Afterwards, a doctors appointment, a liter of fluid, a nap at the hotel and a text later that afternoon saying all is well, head home.  So, back on the road once again, but happy to be heading home.

I have still been having issues with a high creatinine and having to do IV fluids to help flush my kidneys.  For this reason I will be having my stoma reversed or taken down. They feel that it will help my creatinine level and allow me to absorb more.  They were looking at doing this in December, but I just couldn't put my family thru that around Christmas time.  I wanted to enjoy not having to be in the hospital or sick.  They were okay with that,  so we are juggling around the doctors schedules for a date. Not positive, but maybe looking at the 3rd week of January.  Excited to get the last thing finished and behind me, but not looking forward to another surgery & being gone around 2 weeks or so, but I know it needs done.  Other than that,  things continue to be going well besides the migraines, but hard to complain when looking back how my health was a year ago.   I am getting ready to go on my 7 months post transplant!  Thank the Lord for my Miracle!  Christmas was a little rough at times for me as I thought of my Donors Family grieving, my heart hurt for them.  My heart ached for them knowing they were missing one around the table or sitting in the living room. The first year without their loved one. All I knew to do was pray for them.  Yes, I  sent a letter and a few cards to them within the past 3 months.  I was really hoping to hear from the family by now, but it hasn't happened.  The way the process works is, I send my card unsealed to LifeBanc, they contact the family each time I send a card, the family decides yes or no to having it forwarded to them. They thankfully have said yes every time.  Then the process is the same if they send a card to me.   Live each day as a gift from God.

The children are doing good!! They are keeping busy with school.  They have been a wonderful help around the house with things. I think Matthew keeps growing about every couple weeks.  I'm so thankful for the 3 precious blessings God has given to us.  They each are a blessing in their own unique way. They all love God and have tender hearts.  I pray as they get older, that continues.  For Sunday School they did Random Acts of Kindness throughout the year.  I have tried putting that in them prior to the RAKS being done.  I just want them to be sensitive to others needs and help brighten others days regardless if they are rewarded for it or not.  We live in a self centered society and I want my children learning to give.  And that it doesn't have to be of finances, but maybe their time, or some of their abilities.  It pushed them to come out of their shells and let Gods love shine through them.  Our church choir did a Christmas musical and the girls were in it.  The songs were beautiful and the presence of the Lord was there!  I love our children and am so glad we are able to build memories with them. Time is flying by and they are growing fast.  

Some have asked about my comment section.  You can not leave a comment on the blog, but I do have email.   My email is    

I also had some ask if I'll be staying in the hospital the time we are there for the surgery in January.   I will be in for 4 days or so, but before and after we will be staying in the hotel we usually do.  The funding page is on my blog, for those of you who have asked about donating to it. It will be up as long as I'm kicking and breathing.  There will always be expenses between trips back and forth to Ohio, hotels, hospital bills, medications, and the list goes on...    God has been so good to us and blessed us time and time again whether its been a big or small donation-its all a huge blessing!  

I hope to update this by next week, but in the mean time I'll leave you with a quote I read at the end of my speech 

Life is like a camera 
You focus on what's important
Capture the good times
Develope from the negative 
And if things don't work out take another shot

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